A Sci-fi Drama set in year 2045.
Aisha a cab driver fights for her survival when her job is taken over by Self Driving Vehicles and Flying Cars.
Aisha, a young female taxi driver in a developed utopian Indian city, faces job challenges and the need to upgrade for her next job in order to survive, as every five years human jobs keep becoming extinct or taken over by automation.
In a modern world where technology and climates are changing rapidly, both job seekers and business empires face challenges with sustainability and survival.
The utopian world is full of smart structures in a smart city, but the launch of driverless cars and flying taxis faces stiff resistance from the driving community.
John Page, a 35-year-old dynamic and powerful business shark, serves as the lead antagonist and manipulates politicians regularly for his own benefits.
In this world, rooftop parking spaces are available on several residential and commercial towers.
The currency used is a global digital currency known as moon coins.
Despite households being solar-powered, many of them still struggle to make ends meet.
With disruptions in every sector happening so frequently, it has become difficult for the average person to earn a living.
The story revolves around Aisha, a 24-year-old taxi driver, who not only faces competition from other drivers, but also the disruption of technology in which she has recently up skilled.
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