About the Book : An orphan boy, pet-named D is troubled due to a strange inkling dream relating to the dark. After comprehending the dream, D gets re-born to complete a mission. In pursuit of his destiny, young D enters the politics. D tries to change the whole equation of the politics, though veteran politicians come in the way. Consequences are severe as every murky move gets played. Relations, reputation, responsibilities, destiny are all at stake. In the end, does Dark rises or raises the Light? Does devious D fulfills his mission or filthy politicians have the last say? Do common people wake up or vile politics continues to reign? In this 21st century of kalyug, is it possible to thump bad by good virtue or Evil Vs Devil is the ultimate showdown? Are these questions to answers or answers to questions? Read yourself to decide About the Author: Prasanna Vaishampayan comes from the family having moderate reading and writing culture. By profession he is mechanical engineer & works in a private company. This is his debut novel.
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