Sagar, Manish, Rishi and Gaurav are the Sniffer Boys, a group of young detectives working for the Indian Magic Society in Mumbai. Their job: hunting down illegal magical activities in the city. Meanwhile, a notorious sorcerer has just returned from exile, and has concocted diabolical plans to destabilize the system. For the Sniffer Boys, every day presents new challenges, new cases. This one has them tracking down illegal merchandise, spying on thieves, guarding ancient magical staffs, and discovering secret underground passageways criss-crossing through the city. Engulfed in all the chaos are some intriguing characters: a snake warrior seeking promotion, a gigantic pet black monster leaping over buildings, a scientist secretly working with forbidden materials, a thief losing his identity card. In this hullabaloo of guns, corruption, invisible tracking devices, research papers and magical mantras, can the Sniffer Boys stop the sorcerer from carrying out his plans?
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